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Questions and Answers: What About the Kangaroo in Australia Only? Does That Prove Evolution?


If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this.



"My Question is about Autralia. Do the very different types of animals found in Australia prove evolution. And/or do they prove that the flood account should not be taken literally. For example it is hard to imagine that animals left off by Noah at Mt. Arrarat would then become isolated on just one continent. Why wouldn't the kangaroo say exist in South America or Africa or the gazelle also exist in Autralia? Especially since current Creationist theory seems to hold that the continents were rapidly seperated during the flood"


The question was stated: "My Question is about Autralia. Do the very different types of animals found in Australia prove evolution. And/or do they prove that the flood account should not be taken literally."This is a magician's choice or salesman's choice question, sometimes called a false dichotomy.It presents two choices as if those are the only two choices.It might be better to state this question like this: "Do the very different types of animals found in Australia prove anything about the stories of evolution or the historical account in the Bible about the creation and the flood?"That would be a less biased way to ask the question.

The question continues: "For example it is hard to imagine that animals left off by Noah at Mt. Arrarat would then become isolated on just one continent. Why wouldn't the kangaroo say exist in South America or Africa or the gazelle also exist in Autralia? Especially since current Creationist theory seems to hold that the continents were rapidly seperated during the flood."The real question is whether or not these questions create a problem for any of the competing history.The reality is that these questions do not create a problem for any of the competing concepts of history.

There is no way to know for sure how various animals got to various places.The Bible does not tell us.Science cannot tell us.The fact that Evolutionists or Creationists can't answer any given question does not mean that this works against their position. Sometimes the best answer is, "No human being knows." The secret things belong to God but that which God has revealed belongs to us and to our children.

When the position is impossible when compared to laws of science, such as the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and the impossible scenario hits the root of the position that is taken by a hypothesis such as Evolutionism, then this is a problem.Evolution from very simple living things to very complex living things, for instance, would have to involve a reversal of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, so this is an example of an extreme problem for Evolution.In fact, Evolution should go back to the drawing board until they can find a way to circumvent the Second Law of Thermodynamics by natural means.You can read more about this here:

There are many unanswered questions whenever we try to look back in time and guess what happened.The most reliable way to determine historical events has always been to look at the written record.We may have many man-made stories, but we must hold these stories loosely since the kind of science that is used to test history is different from operational science.If we think that we can make an improvement in an electric motor, we can experiment and test and observe and repeat.There is no way to go back in time and see what happened.When we find dinosaur blood and tissue still intact, all we can say is that we have seen that blood and tissue always break down quickly.We know of no way to make it stay intact for thousands of years let alone millions.And here we see it intact on a fossil that a lot of people think is millions of years old.That is as far as science can go.Science cannot go back in time and see what happened to that dinosaur or see whether it is hundreds or thousands or millions of years old.There is a difference between observation and speculation.

Some people, mostly non-Christians who have never studied the Bible, wrongly think that the Bible states that every kind of animal produces an exact replica of itself and that there is no ability to adapt.This is a bazaar belief in something that is obviously not true.The Bible does speak of adaptation.In addition, the ability of every kind of plant and animal to adapt is obvious.The cell has an amazing computer and an amazing ability to adapt, but only within certain limitations.This is what scientists who have a belief in Evolution and billions of years observe and this is what scientists who believe in creation and the flood observe.Scientists who have a dogmatic belief in Evolution make the assumption that, even though there are very obvious limits to adaptation, if they imagine millions of year, those limitations go away.That is not science of course, but when a person gets so close to a problem, especially under the intense peer pressure in the scientific community to conform to the stories of Evolutionism, they cease to have the ability to discern between observation and story-telling.It happens to the best of us in every area of life.

We also know that natural selection, the tendency of an isolated group of living things to interbreed and end up with less information in their genes, to causes extinction when the limited information in their genes no longer gives them the ability to adapt to changing conditions, leads to extinction. We don't see natural selection causing increasingly complex organisms.

There is no evidence, though millions and perhaps billions of dollars have been spent trying to find evidence, that any information can be added to anything by natural processes.The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Information Theory predict that information is lost over time.That being the case, the original ancestor would have had much more information and ability to adapt than the living things that we see around us at present.

That being said, there is nothing in anything that we can observe or in the Bible that makes it impossible for marsupials, which are found on every continent, to produce the many species that are found, including possums and kangaroos.That means that kangaroos could have come from possums, and possums are found on every continent. What is a species? The surprising answer.

The gazelle not being found in Australia is a particularly weak argument.What would prevent a situation where no gazelle got onto the island of Australia from the mainland?How any animals got between continents is speculative, but there are many possible ways that this could happen.

Whether or not the continents separated rapidly does not in any way stand in the way of other geological shifts that could have eliminated land bridges or other ways for life to move from one place to another.The question says, "Especially since current Creationist theory seems to hold..."What anyone thinks or theorizes has not effect at all on reality.

None of these things are in any way a good argument for Evolutionism.

Here are some links you may want to visit for a more complete answer.



Last updated: Jun, 2013
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Questions and Answers: What About the Kangaroo in Australia Only? Does That Prove Evolution?


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