In his book, The Myth of Hitler's Pope, Rabbi David Dalin reveals:
How the myth of "Hitler's Pope" began -- as Communist propaganda
How liberal or apostate Catholics who are actively promoting the myth are exploiting a Jewish tragedy to undermine Church credibility on abortion and other issues
The little-known fact of "Hitler's Mufti": How the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who spent the war years as Hitler's guest in Berlin, advised and assisted the Nazis in carrying out Hitler's Final Solution
The true history of Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust: how the Catholic Church did more than any other religious or secular institution to save Jewish lives
Why the Nazis considered Pope Pius XII their mortal enemy - and at one point actually plotted to kidnap him
Why Jewish survivors of the Holocaust -- and the founders of postwar Israel -- praised the pope for his help
How the myth of "Hitler's Pope" has become a major factor in America's culture wars, even coloring reactions to Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ |