How Has The Separation Of Church And State Become Another Myth Of Liberalism? |
The reality is that there is no separation of Church and State as required by the Constitution. The Constitution states that the Federal Government will make no law that establishes a certain religion, but we have an established religion: Secular Humanism is the religion that is increasingly established by the Federal Government. Secular Humanism is a religion and not a religion depending on what is in its best interest at the moment. Here is what Secular Humanists say: "I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being. These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preachers, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level preschool day care or large state university."
Every effort is made by the governmental enforcers of this established religion to stop any godly expression. The godly are continuously assaulted by every form of legal and coercive action to limit their free speech. Recently, a high school student was forced to take legal action because he was discriminated against regarding his free expression of his religious beliefs. Those beliefs, which are the clear statements of the Bible in Romans 1:27 among other references, said that homosexuality is shameful. While other students were free to express their conflicting opinion (based on nothing other than the fact that they were declaring their opinion to be correct), The Christian student was expelled from school for his expression. A law suit followed, Harper v. Poway was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California. Repeatedly, the Humanist religious doctrines of evolution, promiscuity, socialism/covetousness, polytheism, pantheism, agnosticism, atheism, disrespect, anti-family, anti-Christ, anti-God, chaos theory/lying and bearing false witness, and many others are being taught in our schools and promoted on our mass-communication systems while Christian messages are filtered out and suppressed. These are but examples of what goes on throughout our country, not only in public schools, but also in many other areas of life. Longtime nationally syndicated journalist Jack Germond called the struggle over the fate of Terri Schiavo [the voice of Christians protesting the killing of an innocent woman in the United States] a "grotesque, ridiculous exercise" on Friday, adding that the "nutty story" is a result of the "growing, staggering, frightening influence of religious organizations" in American politics.
That would mean that Jack Germond is asking 81 percent of the people to keep silent so that he and the rest of the members of the Atheist Human-Worship Religion can run the world. Jack Germond is frightened by 81% of the population because some of them have an influence in American politics. Wow! In a new NEWSWEEK Poll, 78 percent of Americans believe Jesus rose from the dead; 75 percent say that he was sent to Earth to absolve mankind of its sins. Eighty-one percent say they are Christians; they are part of what is now the world's largest religion, with 2 billion believers, or roughly 33 percent of the earth's population.
The secular creation-worshiping religions want to run things. They mistakenly think they have wisdom, in fact, think they have all the wisdom. The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. They want 81% of the population to stay home and not vote and not get involved in politics. "We pray to give thanks for our freedom," the President said. "Freedom is our birthright because the Creator wrote it into our common human nature. No government can ever take a gift from God away." He then asserted that giving thanks to God is writ through and through upon American history, from Plymouth Rock to the Revolution and to this day. He reminded us that in our nation's supreme founding document, the Declaration of Independence, "...our Founders... declared it a self-evident truth that our right to liberty comes from God." Then, he concluded, "We pray to acknowledge our dependence on the Almighty [and] we who ask for God's help for ourselves, [since we] have a particular obligation to care for the least of our brothers and sisters within our midst." How can he, and other elected leaders, get away with such a blatant breach of the "wall of separation" between church and state? Because, in short, there is no such doctrine supported in our Constitution or its superior guidance, our Declaration of Independence. In fact, the First Continental Congress called for national prayer. President Bush's adversaries, those aforementioned "enlightened liberals," know that if they take him on, they will lose in both the national courts and the court of public opinion. After all, the Supreme Court affirmed the right of state legislatures to open their sessions with prayer (Marsh v Chambers, 1983), and liberals understand the extension of this ruling. They also understand that a vast majority of Americans honor God through prayer on a regular basis (though, unfortunately, many of them don't vote because they don't trust our politicians). Mark Alexander
"The more publicity there is, the greater the chance that... the folks at places like Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the ACLU will attempt to intimidate a church. It wouldn't be surprising to me at all." President Colin Hanna
This is what will happen to us if Christians don't vote. You may wonder why stories that glorify God are always ignored by the major media. The major media shows some stories up to five stories in the same news cast day after day. Why? Those are stories that they can use, even though the stories are almost always highly fabricated, to mold public opinion. Be not squeezed into the world's mold. People end up watching the same story, told in different ways, during the same news cast. That's insane. The stories that promote Liberalism throughout the world are pumped up. Any representation of facts that actually give the whole true about the motives, violence, and deception of Liberalism are blacked out world-wide. " The major media is extremely committed to Liberalism. Of course, all of this is obvious to two-thirds of Americans, but one third still believe the major media. Christians need to wake up and stop sitting in the counsel of these ungodly people in the media. An article such as the following would never appear in the major media, yet these evils are happening daily. The media is Satan's tool to brainwash the masses of those foolish enough to listen to them. Bob Christians Ordered to Renounce Their Faithin Laos 2004-04-26 VIENTIANE, LAOS --- Approximately 35 Christian families in the village of Nam Thuam, Nambak District, Luang Prabang Province, Laos, have been ordered to renounce their Christian faith by district government officials.
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