When the famous Atheist lawyer, Charles Lyell, came up with his ideas about an Earth that is older than what the Bible seems to allow, he, being a lawyer, cleverly called his claims, "science." Unfortunately, many godly people, hearing the word, "science," cowered in fear. So, without bothering to note that the so-called "science" was merely a collection of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, irrational thoughts, and outright lies, they looked for creative ways to stuff millions of years into the Bible.
Later, Charles Darwin, a disgruntled Christian who was mad at God, built on Charles Lyell's lie and wrote "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life," he also cleverly used the word, science. Unfortunately, once again, many godly people, on hearing the word, "science," cowered in fear. Again, without bothering to research and find out that the so-called "science" was merely a collection of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, irrational thoughts, and outright lies, they looked for creative ways to stuff evolution into the Bible.
"When evolution is seen as a storytelling game rather than a serious attempt at scientific explanation, it suddenly makes sense."
Later, Horace Mann, a disgruntled Christian who was mad at God, without bothering to research evolution, assumed that it was science and went about to establish a Humanist school system throughout the United States, a school system that would teach the doctrines of old-Earthism and evolutionism.
Now, students are taught these precepts as if they were facts and are taught that there is no real right or wrong and that they should go out and do whatever they want to do. After entering into just gross sin, these students don't want God to exist, and they also accept the old-Earth ideas and evolutionistic idea without ever researching them and finding out that they are built on an every growing collection of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, irrational thoughts, and outright lies--that these things are not science and that speaking of them as "science" is an insult to God Who gave us science as a gift through which He reveals His creation to us.
See a more complete history here: History of How Evolution and Old Earth Dogmas Entered the Church
Last updated: Nov, 2013
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