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Lying claim: Morality existed long before religion.


If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this.

Consider the following example:

Christian: "God is love. There is no other source of love. There is fake love, but God is the only source of genuine love. God is also the source of morality, logic, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, peace, joy, and so much more. He even gives these things, in some measure, to those who hate Him."

Atheist: "Morality existed long before religion." (see entire dialog)

Before we deal with this, it should be noted that the reason we believe is not based on physical evidence or human argument, though the observable physical evidence supports God's existence and His Truth without the mental gymnastics that the Atheists and Evolutionists find themselves tangled in. Our belief is based in the power of God and our experience with Him. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word (utterance) of God. God speaks. God speaks to every person. Whoever will listen receives the faith that is of God. This is a supernatural belief that is not human-generated. It is a gift. That faith is the belief that what God has said is true. Before a person is born again, there is a history of hearing God's voice. No one can come to Christ unless the Father draws him or her. A person is born again the moment that he or she hears God's voice and receives faith to believe in Jesus as Savior from sin. In the same way, it is God who speaks and says that the Bible is the Word of God without error. When we hear His voice, then His faith comes, the supernatural belief that the Bible is the Word of God without error. Once God opens our eyes, we see that the Bible is the only source that is both internally and externally consistent. We cannot possibly believe unless we are having an active interaction with our Maker. Some Christians are not aware enough of their own experience to know this. That's why we have all the previously-mentioned reasons for believing the Bible as the Word of God. This explanation does not depend on circular reasoning or poor logic. It depends on God. This is the kind of faith that is what is really operating. It is based on revelation. Now, a naturalist will attack the whole idea of revelation claiming that revelation cannot be verified.

(some caveats about hearing God's Voice)

FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Real Faith, by Charles S. Price

FREE on-line BOOK (a classic): The Meaning Of Faith, by Charles S. Price

When answering this type of statement, you are probably dealing with a confirmed Atheist or Evolutionist. There is not a lot of point in arguing. You are in the catch 22: If you answer a fool in his follow, you become a fool like him, but if you don't answer him, then he thinks that he wins. Truth is elusive to the person who does not love it. Whoever loves sin cannot find God.

The statement of the Atheist is irrational because the Atheist is declaring something to be fact when it would be impossible for the Atheist to have gone back in time to affirm what the Atheist is saying. The Atheist's expression of humanistic pseudo-"faith" is based on the following circular logic:

  1. We take as a presupposition that there is no Creator God and that there is only the material and the natural world.
  2. Based on this, we assert that laws of morals are human creations and are generalizations from experience.
  3. Based on this, we assert that morality existed in fact long before it was defined or described in theory.
  4. Based on this, we assert that man did not first discover the laws such as Thou shalt not kill, steal, etc. but rather a moral law makes explicit in theory what is implicit in fact. The fact creates the rule. It is not the rule that creates the fact.
  5. Based on this, we reject the Christian claim that God is also the source of morality.
  6. Based on this, we reject the fact that God exists.

This is a circular argument. In the beginning it presupposes without evidence that God does not exist. Then, it makes several extensions of that presupposition all to prove the original presupposition, that God exists. This is an irrational [insane] argument.

We Christians, on the other hand, have no need to use circular arguments. We have the direct experience with God. Every Christian has this experience if they are truly a Christian. Christian faith is not worked up by the believer but is a free gift from God. It comes by hearing God's utterance. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the utterance of God. God speaks. Those who want to obey God hear His voice. Those who do not hear His voice do not hear it because they prefer darkness to light. They prefer evil to righteousness. There is no righteousness that is not a free gift from God. Follow the links on the diagram at the top of this page to understand this more fully.

Last updated: Jun, 2013
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