If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this.
Dinosaur egg fossils show a great flood when all the facts are included. Many have never heard these facts. Most of those who believe in Evolution are honest folks who have heard distorted stories and never heard a coherent explanation of the data. Science actually supports creation followed by a great flood and a young Earth, but most people never hear these facts. This is because the intellectual elites are good at controlling the message. They have taken over the scientific journals, the news media, the entertainment industries, the schools, the print media, and about half of the churches in an effort to control the message. And they have effectively used this power to limit the ability of others to tell the truth about Evolution and the age of the Earth. These are not honest skeptics but people who don't want God to be their Creator.
Keep in mind that we are not dogmatically claiming to know that the Earth is 6,000 years old. We know that God created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and we know the number of generations between Adam and Christ. That's about it. Even though a plain reading of Scripture seems to indicate a young Earth; even though there is zero observed evidence and only circular reasoning and speculations that support old Earth stories, we can't even deny the possibility that God could have done something that Scripture doesn't hint at and that has left no scientific evidence. It is possible. It just is not worth the time to think about it.