How You Can Be Free Of Sin And Walk In Total Holiness |
If God requires total holiness, how can a Christian live total holiness? Is it even possible? Yes, It is possible to live in total holiness, but watch out for this. Do not modify holiness to be something that you can do. Do not think that holiness is something that you can do. Holiness is something that God causes you to become. You just receive it or reject it. There is a process. It is probable that no one, other than Jesus Himself, has ever walked in total holiness. During the process of walking into holiness, you will slip; you will fall; you will confess your sins; God will forgive your sins. I asked my brother, "Isn't it true that the Bible, taken as it is written, has the promise that we who walk in the Spirit could walk right into total holiness?" My brother was silent for a moment, then thoughtfully said, "Yes; but don't we walk one step at a time?" To understand this concept, read "Wisdom as a Process" below. Many have lost the hope of total holiness. Some have, as a result, re-defined holiness. The Bible is very bold in stating that holiness is the kind of holiness that the Father has and that it is available to us only through Christ. When God says that whatever is not of faith is sin, He is saying that sin is anything that we think, say, or do that He has not led us to do and that He has not done through us. We miss most of His leading at this point, and also insert our fleshly selves into the process most of the time. There is only one way for you to do righteousness. That is to allow Jesus to do righteousness within you. That is what grace does. Paul said that it was not him who did the work but grace in him did the work. Some have said that the Holy Spirit is given to help us to walk in holiness. This is only partly correct, and it misses the most important things. Actually, the first thing that the Holy Spirit does is to give you the ability to walk in righteousness. He does that by becoming our righteousness within us. He does that by doing the works of God through us. As Jesus only said the words of the Father, so the Holy Spirit only says the words of the Father through us. As Jesus only did the acts of the Father, so the Father does only the works of the Father through us. Righteousness is what you do. Holiness is what you are becoming as you have a new mind (repent). Romans 12:1-2states that renewing your mind is what causes you to be transformed, literally, transfigured. Transfiguration is actual redemption. All of these, righteousness, holiness, and redemption are processes that go from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18)
How? What is the process to bring us to the point where we walk in total holiness? God's process that will bring us to the point where we walk in total holiness is walking in the Spirit. God's pro
Wisdom as a Process:Remember that God does all the work. We rest from our own work and submit to Him. Righteousness and Holiness are both Free Gifts (Grace) from God. Righteousness and Love are synonyms. Love is the fulfillment of God's Law. Righteousness is what you do. Holiness is what you are becoming by submitting to God's righteousness. Holiness is stability in Love. The faith that gives access to Grace is a Free Gift from God--it is God's faith, not our own. The Church is both the mechanism by which God does this work and the finishing of the work. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name. Revelation 3:12
Wisdom moves from taking spiritual ground from the enemy to holding ground and finally moving on to total victory. Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom. (Prov 4:7) The Scripture tells us that God has made Christ to be Wisdom to us. Christ is Wisdom. Without Christ, there is no Wisdom. Not only this, but from a practical standpoint, wisdom consists of righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. (1Cor 1:30) Jesus is the Way. Righteousness, sanctification, and redemption are the three parts of the Way that build on each other.
God has a process to have us grow up into Christ. God's way is through the Church, the true Body of Christ. God's process is by the Holy Spirit. It is by the free gift of wisdom.
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