Logical Fallacy of Naturalism |
Logical Fallacy of NaturalismThe Logical Fallacy of Naturalism occurs when it is assumed that there is no spiritual realm. Naturalism is another term from "Atheism." Naturalism is a fallacy for several reasons. It is a bare assertion in that there is no evidence to support it. It is a fallacy of amazing familiarity in that it is a claim to know the spiritual realm and the spiritual experiences of every person who ever lived. It is a fallacy of universal negative in that it declares that there is no God, soul, spiritual realm, or spiritual beings. It is self-refuting in that it claims to have knowledge that would only be available by Divine revelation, yet that is what it is denying. It is a statement contrary to fact in that every person who follows Jesus Christ is led by Jesus Christ. This is repeatable. It is available to anyone. Anyone can test this by coming in sincerity to Jesus Christ, praying persistently that He would reveal Himself and His will to the person praying. There are a few necessary elements: a deep respect for God, a desire to know God's will, a desire to do God's will and a desire to leave sin behind. Naturalism can be a simple, temporary, arbitrary assumption. If not refuted within a person's mind, it becomes a presupposition that filters future observations. If allowed to remain, it becomes part of the person's inner worldview. In that case, it leads to confirmation bias. It becomes entrenched as part of what the person believes to be reality. This worldview is also called a paradigm, a filter, or a fake reality.
Everyone knows that God exists. Whenever the Scripture is read, God is speaking. The Scripture is so infused with the Spirit of Christ that no one can read the passage from Romans (or any other verse) without hearing God's Voice. The Naturalist hears but doesn't hear. The Naturalist's entire mind is a confused jumble of inconsistency. God is speaking through this passage and telling us that everyone knows that He exists, and they know quite a bit about Him. In context, it also says that they know about sin and the punishment for sin. However, they suppress the truth in unrighteousness. This is done through the process of first assuming, the presupposing, and then adding the lie to the worldview to suppress the truth. Yet, the truth surfaces from time to time. The Naturalist quickly works to suppress it once again. Without all this negative effort, the Naturalist would cease to be a Naturalist. Fallacies that Sound SimilarThere is the unnatural fallacy, the naturalistic fallacy, the proof by appeal to Naturalism, the fallacy of Naturalism, and the appeal to nature. You will find these fallacies all confused together in various sources. There seems to be no agreement. In addition, there are many definitions of the word, "natural." Although, it doesn't pay to get dogmatic about a certain definition, it would be nice to know what various authors are trying to say. Remember that the goal is to be able to tell truth from fiction.
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