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Alien & UFO Cults


the Alien & UFO Cult

Basics of the Alien & UFO Cult

Basics of Aliens, UFOs and Extra Terrestrials: Aliens give every indication of being demons who are deceiving gullible people. "The science-in-waiting of extraterrestrial anatomy has yet to acquire its first piece of data, so nobody knows what features we will behold if and when humans and aliens come face-to-face." (NewScientist, January 25, 2010) Science cannot verify that they might exist. Yet, many atheistic scientists are emotional at the prospect--they will accept anything to avoid Jesus Christ. Romans 1 tells the story.

On the other hand, many credible people have claimed to have encounters with aliens, and the reports are too numerous and consistent to be dismissed. "ET belief is quickly becoming the world's most scientifically acceptable false religion and a major stumbling block to Christianity." CreationRevoluiton Aliens have a consistent message: Anti-Bible Anti-Christ They claim to be gods. They lie, then say it's OK to lie. Relativism New Age Religion Pantheism Reincarnation Karma Aliens say that people are gods in the making. Aliens encourage people to dabble in the occult. The Alien Cult contradicts every biblical doctrine. Walkins and doorways: These are identical to demon possession. Abduction by aliens is identical to demon possession. Those who follow these demons are willingly ignorant of the lost condition of all human beings and the one Holy Creator God's great gift of giving His one and only way of salvation through acceptance of the atoning work of His one, unique Son, Jesus Christ. As a result of this willing ignorance, followers of this religion miss all the benefits of holiness, righteousness, peace, glory, love, and joy that can only be found through Jesus. The sad result of their rebellion against God is that those who follow this course choose hell rather than heaven. Christians should be merciful and kind to those who have been deceived by this cult and pray for those who have been deceived by this cult.

No Christian need be disturbed by the discovery of life on other worlds. A materialist, though, would find the absence of such extra-terrestrial life hard to explain. That being said, so-called Extra Terrestrials give every indication of being demons (fallen angels, serving Satan) who are deceiving gullible people. They say they created us and we are gods in the making. Satan doesn't care which spiritual entity, which religion, which idol you worship, or even if you worship yourself.

Christianity is based on Jesus Christ, the Living Christ, Who reveals Himself to the Christian on an ongoing basis. Believer's have the supernatural trust that is a gift from God. By this trust, we see Jesus and hear His Voice. It is Jesus Himself who reveals to us that the Bible is His Word, His Utterance. And it is Jesus Himself Who speaks to us through His Word. Jesus speaks to us through many different means: Scripture, intuition, bringing Scripture to our remembrance, apostles, prophets, etc. When God speaks to us, faith comes and with faith comes a vision of hope. This vision shows us who we are in Christ in an ever-more-clear understanding. When God speaks, He instructs us what to think, what to say, and what to do. Then, He does the work through us by His grace, His free gift of righteousness. This righteousness of God in us is the moving of the Holy Spirit that transfigures us from glory to glory to be like Jesus, killing our fleshly nature and causing Christ to be more fully formed in us. And this death to self, to the old adamic sin nature, and building up of Christ is the very thing that redeems us, sets us free from slavery to the fleshly nature, to Satan, to the pressures of the world, and to death. Aliens also provide a form of revelation, demonic revelation, lying revelation. (some caveats about hearing God's Voice)

Christians should be merciful and kind to those who have been deceived by this cult and pray for those who have been deceived by the Alien & UFO Cult.

The main focus of any false religion is to confuse the saints of God and to destroy the work of God. This is evident in the work of the Alien & UFO Cult and the way that it has looked for every way to infiltrate the Church.

Alien Cult's Worldview of a supreme being:

Human beings-that man is an evolving god.

The aliens/demons teach that they are our creators and they are gods.

They don't worship God-not the God of the Bible.

Christians should be merciful and kind to those who have been deceived by this cult and pray for those who have been deceived by this cult.

the Alien & UFO Cult's Worldview of Jesus

Extra-terrestrials teach a different Christ who is not the Christ of the Bible:

They teach that the Lord Jesus Christ

    • is not God
    • is not the Son of God.
    • and the lie that He is half human, half Extra Terrestrial.
    • is an ascended master of the New Age movement.
    • is not God in the flesh.

They promote doctrines that seek to discredit the Lord and turn people from salvation to destruction.


Their messages reject almost every biblical truth about our Lord.

the Alien & UFO Cult's Worldview of the Works of Jesus

      • that Jesus did not die on the cross for the sins of mankind.
      • that the Lord used alien technology to regenerate his body and was taken by a U.F.O. into a mother ship.
      • that the Christ does not forgive sins.
      • that He is not the only way of salvation.
      • that Christ is not the way, the truth, and the life
      • that Christ didn't say, "no man cometh to the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).
      • that Christians are "evil dark forces."
      • that Jesus will come in an alien beam ship.

the Alien & UFO Cult's Worldview of Authority

      • that Biblical doctrine is false.
      • that all the biblical promises are false.
      • that the promises to the born again believer are false.
      • that a New Age Gospel is what is important
      • the Eastern religion doctrines of reincarnation and karma.

the Alien & UFO Cult's Worldview of a Humanity

      • that man is an evolving god
      • that mankind can become their own god.
      • that a person is ignorant until they realize that they have god within themselves.
      • that each and every person will know that he is god.
      • that man can evolve into Christhood.
      • that mankind's main problem is that they are ignorant of their god-like divinity.

the Alien & UFO Cult's Worldview of the Human Problem

      • The main problem is seen to be that mankind needs to evolve into Christhood and each person needs to become his or her own god.
      • Ecological problems are raised to a high level. It this, there is a similarity to many other false religions, including liberalism.
      • There is a teaching that Mother Earth is in Labor.

the Alien & UFO Cult's Worldview of the Solution to the Human Problem

      • There is a doctrine that mankind must evolve into Christhood and each person must become his or her own god.
      • There is a doctrine that the aliens are the saviors of mankind.
      • Walkins and doorways, that is, demon possession, is seen as a solution.
      • Occult practices are seen as solutions.
      • There is a teaching that Mother Earth is a living organism that is bringing in a cleansing or evolutionary "paradigm shift" to bring in the New Age.

the Alien & UFO Cult's Worldview of Ethics, Values, and Morals

      • Relativism
      • Demon Possession encouraged (under deceptive titles)
      • Occult practices encouraged
      • that sin does not exist.
      • that sin and evil are out-dated beliefs that no longer exist.
      • that it's OK if the aliens lie to humans as long as it helps them.
      • that the best prophet is a false prophet, for he seeks to help people to transmute negativity and avert the consequences of fear and destruction

the Alien & UFO Cult's Worldview of Judgment

    • that God does not judge.
    • the Eastern religion doctrines of reincarnation and karma.
    • that after we die we punish ourselves.
    • that they will assist in the "quantum leap" in human evolution.
    • that Jesus will come in an alien beam ship.
    • that Mother Earth is in Labor.
    • that Mother Earth is a living organism that is bringing in a cleansing or evolutionary "paradigm shift" to bring in the New Age. (Have you noticed how that even the weather reports talk about Mother Earth now?)
    • that God will not judge sin.
    • that Christians will be removed because of their outdated beliefs.
    • that Christians will be taken away by UFOs to be re-educated.
    • that there are no such things as heaven and hell.

Last updated: Apr, 2013
How God Will Transform You - FREE Book  

Contact By Aliens, ETs, And UFOs: Walk-ins Or Doorways

Aliens Have A Consistent Message:

Videos about UFOlogy and Alien Experiences

Bread Crumbs

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Worldview of the Solution to the Human Problem



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