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Saying You Are Irrational


Sometimes, people will accuse you of being irrational. They will claim that it is irrational to hear God's Voice, His leading, and His guidance. But this is not because it is irrational. It is because it is outside of their paradigm/fake reality. There is an Atheist/Naturalist/Materialist/Evolutionist paradigm that is not that uncommon. The trouble with paradigms is that they are fake-realites that seem more real than real reality to those who are blinded by them.

Here is a typical answer that you can use if they offer a vague statement that you are saying irrational things:

Please let me know specifically of anyplace that I used made-up stories or irrational statements. I will willingly accept correction if that correction makes sense. To violate your unsupported presuppositions does not, in itself, constitute a made-up story or an irrational statement.

If they say that it is irrational for anyone to think that God is leading them, and this is a common tactic, you could say something like the following:

Please tell me specifically what is the method by which you think that you know the personal inner spiritual experience of every follower of Christ who has ever lived. I will willingly accept correction if that correction makes sense. To violate your unsupported presuppositions does not, in itself, constitute a made-up story or an irrational statement. If you have no way to know this, just tell me that you don't like the idea of a loving God Who leads His people and works toward their spiritual fulfillment in Him.

If, on the other hand, they show you an example where you were irrational, admit it and tell them, "Thank you." They may point out circular reasoning like, "I believe the Bible is the Word of God because it says that it is." In a case like this, you might say:

You are right. That is circular reasoning. I misspoke. I believe the Bible is the Word of God because God has revealed to me that it is His Word and that it is without error. And, I have also experienced the Holy Spirit speaking to me directly through the Bible.

 What do you say if they reject Christ and just want to argue?

See the baloney detector for more information.

Last updated: Dec, 2013
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