The Tactic of Lobbying occurs when appeals are made to power, particularly governmental power, to support one's own opinion, oppose other opinions, or both.
The National Center for Science Education is an anti-Creation lobbying group that fights to assure that only the Big-Bang-Billions-of-Years-No-Flood-Molecules-to-Man story is taught in schools. They fight to make sure that it is taught as if it were settled science. And they fight to make sure that young people don't learn about the problems with the story and the places where the story conflicts with scientific observation.
There are some ID organizations involved in lobbying to have ID taught in the schools. There are also a few creationists who are doing this.
"All Christians would be far better equipped if they understood what lay behind their own particular country’s ‘culture wars’. Instead of merely getting worked up about the symptoms and trying to fight them only at that level (e.g. lobbying politicians on moral issues), they would be able to focus on the underlying disease (rejection of God as Creator, using the justification of evolutionary ‘science’)."
Many groups lobby for laws to limit the speech of Christians throughout the world. Many of the hate-speech laws are the result of such lobbying.