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Bible Study Tool


The revelation that God has given to the apostles, the testimony of the Holy Spirit through Scripture itself, the testimony of the Holy Spirit in the heart of every follower of Christ, rational (sane) thought, scientific method, and any other measure other than the creative rationalizations (insane stories) of the skeptics, all confirm the historical, material, and spiritual accuracy of every part of Scripture from the very beginning of Genesis to the very end of Revelation.

Paul's letter to the Romans.

1. Paul, called by God, not men--Paul longs to come so he could impart a spiritual gift so they would be established--the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith--God has made Himself obvious through creation so unbelievers are without excuse--they did not like to retain God in their knowledge--God's punishment: He turns them over to their own corrupt minds so do what leads to death

2. warning to all who do the same things--disobedient versus the obedient--Jews are not exempt--Jews don't obey the law

3. Jews don't believe the prophesies--all are guilty--not one righteous person--through the law comes knowledge of sin--the righteousness of God through faith apart from the law--God's own righteousness establishes the law

4. belief is counted as righteousness--the righteousness of faith--of faith, by grace

5. justified by grace--access to grace through faith, rejoicing in hope--glory in tribulation--the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts/minds by the Holy Ghost--Christ dies for the ungodly--saved from wrath--saved from sin by His life--the sin nature inherited--the free gift of righteousness into justification and life--many shall be made righteous--that grace may reign through righteousness into life

6. dead to sin and no longer living in it--walking in newness of life--the likeness of His resurrection--not serving sin, freed from sin--died to sin, alive to God--realize that you are dead to sin and alive to God through Jesus--sin not to reign in our bodies to obey it--not yielding the parts of our bodies to sin but yielding to God, instruments of righteousness--grace, rather than sin, ruling--formerly slaves of sin, now set free to be slaves of righteousness--formerly yielded slaves of uncleanness, now yielded slaves of righteousness leading to holiness--slaves of sin are free from righteousness leading to death--set free from sin as slaves of righteousness leading to holiness and then life--the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ

7. dead to the law by the body of Christ to be married to Christ--newness of Spirit rather than deadness of the letter--sin uses the law to create cravings--when I do wrong against my will (I will to yield to the Spirit) it isn't me (the Christ in me) but sin that is in me that does it--Jesus Christ will deliver me from this human body

8. no condemnation when we walk after the Spirit rather than the flesh--the law of the Spirit sets free from the law of sin and death the righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us--the mind concentrated on the Spirit verses the carnal flesh--the mind controlled by the carnal flesh is against God--put to death the deeds of the body--the spirit of being placed as a mature son (adoption KJV)--suffering compared to the glory to be revealed in us--the entire creation waits for the unveiling of the sons of God--the redemption of our bodies--hope--God works all things according to His good purpose, to conform us to the image of Christ--nothing can separate us from the love of God (righteousness) in Christ

9. the Jews have first rights--God's sovereignty--God will finish the work--they didn't follow righteousness through faith but tried unsuccessfully by the works of the law

10. the Jews didn't know about God's righteousness and tried to establish their own righteousness, so they didn't submit to God's righteousness--the righteousness that is of faith--confess and believe to righteousness and salvation--faith comes by hearing the utterance of God

11. Israel's not totally cast off

12. present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God--think of yourself according to your gifts and ministry--be diligent and of one mind; overcome evil with good

13. submit to the government--love is the fulfillment of the law--make no provision for the flesh

14. the weak in the faith--food offered to idols--don't let your liberty hurt others--whatever is not of faith (whatever God has not led you to think, do, or say) is sin

15. denying self for the sake of others--unity--Paul's purpose for writing and plans for travel

16. greetings and love--those who cause divisions--power to establish--the mystery revealed

Last updated: Jan, 2013

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