There was a day when I worked so hard, always trying to get everything done. There was always so much to do that it was impossible and frustrating. It bothered me so much that it was a problem in my life. Then, one day, it just came to me. I suppose that somehow God revealed it to me, but it just seemed that I knew this all of a sudden. God could have designed time in such a way that we could do everything that comes to mind, but He didn't do it that way. Instead, he made time finite. The reason He did it this way is so that we would have to make choices. There is always enough time to do the things that God sets before us... but, if we go off and do our own will, then we don't have enough time to do God's will.
That doesn't mean that I don't sometimes do my own will, but I do know that I've done my own will when I run out of time and can't do what God asked me to do. I spend a lot more time seeking God for His will now than I used to. That's really the answer. Remember, if you seek, you will find.
Last updated: Jul, 2010
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