Questions and Answers: Are There Contradictions In The Bible? No! |
There are no contradictions in the Bible. Those who make these claims are confused, uninformed, or else deceptive. Sometimes, it is a little of each. Perhaps they don't know what a contradiction is. A contradiction says, "At the same time and in the same relationship, two mutually exclusive propositions are both true." That is a contradiction. However, the Bible does not have any such thing. A contradiction says: "at the same time and in the same relationship, both A and not A are true." The law of non-contradiction says that it is impossible to have this: "at the same time and in the same relationship, both A and not A are true." There is a kind of logic that is being taught in the colleges and universities that is called "both and logic." This type of logic does teach contradiction. It teaches that two mutually exclusive things can be true at the same time. No one can live by this type of logic. As Ravi Zacharias says, when you step off the curb, look both ways; it's either you or the bus; it cannot be both. This post modern "both and" logic has the problem that it excludes the fact that there are many instances where one of two or more choices must be made. The Bible has no examples of contradiction. When the Bible says that two things are both true, they are both true, even if God must open our eyes before we can understand it. When the Bible says that one thing is true and another thing is false or one thing is wrong and another thing is right, that is reality. You can go out onto the Internet or look at many books or sit in many university classrooms where examples will be given, and claims will be made that there are contradictions in the Bible. Often, these claims of examples of so called contradictions will seem, on the surface, to be valid claims. When you look more closely, though, you will find that they are not contradictions. Often, they are not at the same time, so they are not contradictions. In other cases, they are not in the same relationship, so they are not contradictions. At still other times, they are not really mutually exclusive, as in the case of free will and predestination. The Bible has many examples that prove the God is almighty, and a person who assumes that God is not almighty or who puts a limit on God will have trouble understanding these examples. That does not make these examples contradictions. There is also the problem of confirmation bias. A person who does not believe in miracles cannot conceive of the miracles listed in the Bible. That person thinks that those miracles must be errors in the Bible. In the same way, a person who does not believe in creation and the power of God is constantly trying to shift the dates in the Bible to allow for the unscientific and unbelievable concept of molecules to man evolution. Another problem comes to those who have a confirmation bias that does not believe that divine revelation is possible. They cannot believe that holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. In these cases, confirmation bias is keeping people from seeing reality. They are blinded by their own presuppositions. So, there are no contradictions in the Bible. There are just people who want to do what they want to do. People who do not want to obey God will make up any excuse. Ungodly people are forced to hold on tightly to some basic presuppositions. These presuppositions are just simple-minded assumptions. They are filters and a way to censor out any information that supports the existence of God. They set up a web of rules to filter out God. They will only accept those things that conform to Naturalism, materialism, and uniformitarianism. Naturalism claims that God does nothing. Materialism claims that there is no God or spiritual realm. Uniformitarianism claims that there was not creation and that there was no violent worldwide flood, as the Bible and numerous other historical accounts record. Whatever they observe that does not conform to this complex filter is censored. The way that it is censored can take several forms. The ungodly may boldly proclaim that, though the data appears to support God's version and refute the version of the ungodly, yet it still must be interpreted to mean just the opposite of what it does mean. A backup method that ungodly people use is to prophecy that in the future, science will be able to explain what they see as an anomaly. If that fails, they will hide the data, set it aside, or lie to keep the public from knowing the truth. The data clearly demolishes the story of the ungodly and clearly supports the reality of the Creator God, His Bible, and His abiding Presence in His people. When confronted with the obvious, a closed-minded ungodly person says, "I can't understand it." They are willingly ignorant because they refuse to hold God in their knowledge. The reality is that these people, for whatever reason, don't what to know the Creator. They don't want to truly know Jesus, their Creator.
Author/Compiler Last updated: Dec, 2011 Atheist site visitor claims that there are contradictions in the Bible Bread Crumbs Main Foundations Home Meaning Bible Dictionary History Toons & Vids Quotations Similar
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