24,000 original manuscripts and changes in some newer translations |
If you have not read Stories Versus Truth, you may want to read that before reading this. And don't forget where you are going. You get past the questions/attacks so you can proclaim the Gospel. It is the proclamation of the Gospel, not argumentation, that transforms minds. See Give Them the Gospel. Newer Translations of the BibleQuestion:There has come up in my life the question of translations and the original text upon which the translations are based. It would be useful and beneficial to research and report on your findings here... and I haven't looked at all of your site yet; this is just what popped up... But the latest translations of the bible: Holman CSB, NIV is turning weird, and I'm sure there are others, but those are the most widely available "Bible Versions" to the public where I live, but I am hearing that a lot of words that are important in the meaning of the Word are missing, including important, even imperative words that are readable such as Hell, which is by no means something that should be taken out, because they don't hamper readability, and are actually necessary for readability. Jots and tittles are important, especially if you can afford to put them and still have a readable version. Now it appears that they are using a different "original text," which is very problematic, because we can't say "Over 24,000 New Testament Manuscripts Exist With No Major Variances." and then approve of the use of different translations that vary WIDELY from these so stated '24,000 manuscripts.' Answer:To begin with, this question points out the reason that the New Testament has a firm emphasis on the authority of revelation as God gives it to the apostles. Look here to see this. There has come up in my life the question of translations and the original text upon which the translations are based. It would be useful and beneficial to research and report on your findings here... and I haven't looked at all of your site yet; this is just what popped up... You are right in looking into this. Every translation has mistakes, some worse than others. I believe that God is in control and is revealing His word in His time. God is unfolding revelation continuously. At the same time, Satan is trying to confuse every issue with a variety of lies. Who will you listen to? Jots and tittles are important, especially if you can afford to put them and still have a readable version. Now it appears that they are using a different "original text," which is very problematic, because we can't say "Over 24,000 New Testament Manuscripts Exist With No Major Variances." and then approve of the use of different translations that vary WIDELY from these so stated '24,000 manuscripts.' We have 5,309 known Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. We have 10,000 Latin Vulgates. We have 9,300 other early versions. In other words, we currently have more than 24,000 manuscript copies of portions of the New Testament. Two-hundred-and-thirty of these pre-date 600 AD. There are translations into other languages dating back to within 100 years of the original apostles. That is staggering when compared to the number of original documents remaining of other ancient texts: Aristotle, 5; Caesar, 10; Tacitus, 20; Pliny, 7. The more witnesses that agree, the more sure the word. The Textus Receptus has no major variance between it and more than 95% of the manuscripts that exist, hence the name, "Majority Text." It is also known as the Traditional Text, Eastern Text, Received Text, Majority Text, Byzantine Text, or Syrian Text. There is strong evidence that Textus Receptus is the text that was used by the First Century Church. It was all but lost to the Roman Church during the dark ages but preserved by the Greek Church. Early church fathers quoted Scripture in their writings over 86,000 times, and those writings quote from the Majority Text rather than the Minority Text. Minority texts are also known as Alexandrian texts. The Alexandrian texts appear to have been rejected by the early Christian Church. Alexandrian texts do have major variations between each text and every other text. Alexandrian texts tend to have many alterations in them. Alexandrian texts tend to downgrade the power and authority of Jesus Christ and of God. In some recently published Bibles, references to Alexandrian texts are written as, "ancient mss," "most ancient authorities," "best manuscripts," etc. The King James translation used a manuscript known as the textus receptus as its source. Most modern scholars prefer two other manuscripts because they are older, the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus. Also, the more modern translations tend to be translated by liberal scholars. For this reason, most of the more modern versions use the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus as their source. The are two other texts, the Vaticanus manuscript and the Sinaiticus manuscript. Genesis 1:1-46, 28, Psalm 106-138, Matthew 16:2-3, Mark 16:9-20, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, and everything after Hebrews 9:14 are all missing from Vaticanus and appear to have been left out on purpose since the manuscript was found in very good condition with no indication that anything is missing from the document as it was originally created. The Vaticanus also leave our 237 words, 452 clauses, and 748 sentences with room left on the pages to write these in. The omissions appear to be intentional, and this may have been the result of earlier texts that were created by heretics such as the Arien, Origen. The Sinaiticus manuscript was found in a garbage can in St. Catherines's Monastary in 1844. While the Vaticanus is written on very expensive vellum and carefully crafted, the Sinaiticus is a mess with obvious mistakes, erasures, sentences written over other sentences, and many words omitted. It does contain two apocryphal books. The corrections show signs that at least 10 different people have changed the text over hundreds of years and as late as the Seventh Century AD. "On many occasions 10, 20, 30, 40 words are dropped through very carelessness. Letters and words, even whole sentences, are frequently written twice over, or begun and immediately cancelled; while that gross blunder, whereby a clause is omitted because it happens to end in the same words as the clause preceding, occurs no less than 115 times in the New Testament." --- Dean Burgon The Vaticanus and Sinaiticus manuscripts do not agree with the textus receptus, nor do they agree with each other. I believe that you meant to ask, Why do some of the newer translations use original texts that are not part of the textus receptus? Why do they use the Latin Vulgate and the Alexandrian text? If that is what you are asking, then this is a difficult question to answer. It would seem to make sense for the translators to throw out the Alexandrian text and the Latin Vulgate, but many of the modern translators give these two texts tremendous weight. It is difficult to understand why they would do that. The Vaticanus manuscript existed at the time of the reformers in the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries, yet the reformers all selected the Textus Receptus for their translations. That being said, there are times when looking at all the translations is helpful. You can see how many Biblical scholars have interpreted a certain word. At the same time, it is good to remember that some of the translations were done using original texts that are questionable. You can download online Bible. It is free. It has a version that has the ability to insert the Strong's numbers. If you double-click any Strong's number, the Strong's reference to the original word will pop up. Keep in mind that the Strong's definition of the original word is not the final word. Some of these definitions are debatable, but you can also search on the Strong's number and every verse that uses that Greek, Hebrew, or Chaldee word will come up. By context, you can tell a lot. Beyond problems with all the translations, here are some other ways that Satan keeps you from understanding the Bible:Two thousand years ago, there were those who were adding to the Bible or deleting parts of the Bible, and they had the original in their own language--no need to translate. Every day, you can hear or read extra-biblical doctrines about the end times, water baptism, tongues, salvation, being born again, spiritual gifts, communion, miracles for today, prosperity, pastors, elders, deacons, apostles or many other subjects. Most of the false doctrines on these subjects use texts that have good translations from the textus receptus. You should always check Scripture references, whether from a preacher, on a video, or in a book. Check to make sure the Scripture was quoted correctly. Make sure that the writer or speaker is not adding to Scripture. Here is a severe problem: if you have always heard a certain doctrine, and you have always heard a certain Scripture verse quoted to "prove" that doctrine when the verse does not really prove the doctrine, then you are in the same experience that 2 Corinthians 3 speaks about. When you hear the Bible verse, you don't really hear it as it is. You hear the false interpretation of the Bible verse. Does this explain why you sometimes wonder how another person can think the way that they do? Perhaps one of you is stuck, or maybe both of you are stuck. You need the Holy Spirit to pull away the veil. You need to made sure that any preacher, video, or book is not taking from the Bible. How often we have heard something like, "Oh, that was only for the apostolic age." Whole sections of Scripture can be wiped away with this simple phrase. The order of the Church in Scripture can be demolished and replaced with the money-making, power-grabbing, ego-massaging systems that we see all around us. The miraculous power of God has been replaced by personal power of individuals. We see abominations declared to be good and we see that those who plainly declare what the Bible says about sin are labeled as evil persons for teaching the Bible as it is written. We see that the account of creation is ignored. All of this stems from failure to listen to the voice of God. Only Christ can do any edifying. In understanding Ephesians 4:12-16, you must go back to the main verb, edoken, in verse 11. Christ gave the gifts. He gave the office of apostle. He gave the four ministries. Those gifts are not the persons but the Christ in those persons, as another passage says, "Christ in us, the hope of glory." The text cannot be read any other way than to understand that these gifts are performing all of this work as the gifts proceed from Christ. Grace means, literally, free gift. This is grace, and we know from Scripture that it is grace that does any work that is done. In fact, God could give no greater gift, so He gave us of Himself. He chooses to do it through apostles, ones sent. He chooses to not use those who send themselves or who are sent by men. It is plain from the Greek that it is not gifted people who do any of this work, but rather the Gift Himself does the work through the members. This is true whether it is the apostle who is totally equipping and completing the member or the member who is now also moving in the power and authority of the same gift. When any member comes into submission to the apostle, that person carries the same anointing and authority of the apostle just as long and to the extent that they are in submission. They are not submitting to a man but to Christ Himself. If you can discern the Body of Christ, you will see this. If you see this, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but your Father in Heaven has revealed it. You can go many places on the internet, on Christian radio, or in the religious world where you will find people twisting this Scripture. They will twist "apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;" into "teacher/pastors", or "pastor/teacher", or "evangelists, pastors, teachers", or some other misquote. It is evil to twist the traveling elders and deacons, the apostles, into locally abiding pastors. Nowhere in the Bible does it talk about locally abiding pastors. There are locally abiding elders who pastor (care for the church as a shepherd does sheep) the members, and those men receive no money for what they do. They receive a double measure of honor. The Bible says what it says. The Scripture cannot be broken. Satan hates the Bible and he hates God's church and the orders of God's church. If you see someone doing this, run, do not walk, away. It is difficult to realize the full extent of the depravity of the human mind. Our old Adamic nature lies to us and we don't even realize that the lies are being told. Total Quality Management uses the word paradigm. A paradigm is an image of the world (fake reality) and is the fake world with which we interact rather than the real world. Communication theory speaks of filters. When we hear anything, we filter it by our presuppositions. Neurolinguistics uses the word, presuppositions. Another way to put this is that we each have a worldview. Presuppositions are ideas that we don't even think about but that reside in our minds. They make it impossible for us to see reality. Others speak of confirmation bias, which is the same thing. When we see things that are in conflict with our paradigms/presuppositions/worldview/confirmation bias/filters, we cannot receive it. We switch it around to fit whatever is already in our mind, and it actually confirms rather than conflicts. Too many conflicts can make us physically sick. We have various ways of protecting ourselves from the truth. In short, we all contend with God. Every time that God finally gets through to us, it is a revelation. We are just amazed. Yet, God reveals line upon line and precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. Notice the quote in the following paragraph. "What you see is not what is out there in the world: not exactly, at least. Scientists have shown that your brain is tweaking the light coming in from your eyes and making predictions about what you expect to see.... The way PhysOrg put it, "What our eyes can't see, the brain fills in." And it fills it in from prior experience: "The results show that our brains do not rely solely on what is shown to the eyes in order to 'see'. Instead the brain constructs a complex prediction" of what it expects to see." creationsafaris.com
The real question is, "Who do you trust--Do you trust your own understanding or do you trust God?" Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed [literally, Transfigured] by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Notice that it does not say to be transformed by the removal of your mind. ... but how does the renewal of your mind work? First, you will notice the "the renewal of your mind" is in the passive voice. That means that someone else, God, is doing it. You cannot renew your mind. You only have the capacity to deceive yourself. Through self-effort, you have the capacity for hypocrisy only. God is the renewer of the mind. You need the Holy Spirit for this work. Don't be deceived. Don't let anyone else deceive you. Turn to God. Romans 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God has showed it to them. 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: You see? You know because God has showed it to you and to all of us.
But the latest translations of the bible: Holman CSB, NIV is turning weird, and I'm sure there are others, but those are the most widely available "Bible Versions" to the public where I live, but I am hearing that a lot of words that are important in the meaning of the Word are missing, including important, even imperative words that are readable such as Hell, which is by no means something that should be taken out, because they don't hamper readability, and are actually necessary for readability.Extra-biblical doctrines on hell abound. Problems arise whenever anyone goes beyond Scripture. That is, when anyone adds to Scripture or takes from Scripture. A theology has been developed that goes beyond the Bible on the one hand by saying such things as "there is no hell," "there is a hell, but hell is not all that bad," "God would never correct anyone through punishment," or "all ways lead to God." I'm sure that there are other examples of this extreme view. On the other hand, a robust theology has developed beyond the Bible that makes the Scripture conflict with itself. This is a problem if we are to believe the entire Bible. This extreme dogma causes some theologians to find extra-biblical reasons to rationalize away the Scriptures that plainly say such things as, "As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive." Some people do not, as a result, believe in the restitution of all things, which is also a plain teaching of Scripture just as Hell is a plain teaching of Scripture. Sometimes, the best answer is, "We believe it all, but God has not yet told us how He is going to do this."
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